Conference Papers


Ayers D, Reggia JA. Evolving columnar circuitry for lateral cortical inhibition. In: Neural Networks, 2001. Proceedings. IJCNN'01. International Joint Conference on. Vol 1.; 2001. 2. p. 278-283p.
Stonedahl F, Rand W, Wilensky U. Evolving viral marketing strategies. In: Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2010. 1. p. 1195-1202p. (GECCO '10).
Fekete J-, Plaisant C. Excentric labeling: dynamic neighborhood labeling for data visualization. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: the CHI is the limit. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 1999. 5. p. 512-519p. (CHI '99).
Spencer M, Ferreira R, Beynon M, Kurc T, Catalyurek U, Sussman A, et al. Executing Multiple Pipelined Data Analysis Operations in the Grid. In: SC Conference. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society; 2002. 5. p. 54.
Elgammal A, Shet V, Yacoob Y, Davis LS. Exemplar-based tracking and recognition of arm gestures. In: Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2003. ISPA 2003. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on. Vol 2.; 2003. 6. p. 656-661p. Vol.p. 2-656p. - 661 Vol.2.
Hicks MW, Morrisett G, Grossman D, Jim T. Experience with safe manual memory-management in cyclone. In: Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Memory management. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2004. 7. p. 73-84p. (ISMM '04).
Hicks MW, Moore JT, Wetherall D, Nettles S. Experiences with capsule-based active networking. In: DARPA Active NEtworks Conference and Exposition, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE; 2002. 1. p. 16-24p.
Wonnacott WP. Experiences with Constraint-based Array Dependence Analysis. In: Principles and practice of constraint programming: second international workshop, PPCP'94, Rosario, Orcas Island, WA, USA, May 2-4, 1994: proceedings.; 1994. 3. p. 312.
Reif JH, LaBean TH, Pirrung M, Rana VS, Guo B, Kingsford C, et al. Experimental Construction of Very Large Scale DNA Databases with Associative Search. In: DNA computing: 7th International Workshop on DNA-Based Computers, DNA 7, Tampa, FL, USA, June 10-13, 2001: revised papers. Vol 7.; 2002. 2. p. 231.
Oard D, DeClaris N, Dorr BJ, Faloutsos C, Marchionini G. Experimental investigation of high performance cognitive and interactive text filtering. In: , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1995. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century. Vol 5. IEEE; 1995. 4. p. 4398-4403p. vol.p. 5-4398p. -4403 vol.5.
Votta LG, Porter A, Perry D. Experimental software engineering: A report on the state of the art. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. Vol 17.; 1995. 2. p. 277.
Shneiderman B. Experimental testing in programming languages, stylistic considerations and design techniques. In: Proceedings of the May 19-22, 1975, national computer conference and exposition. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 1975. 6. p. 653-656p. (AFIPS '75).
Delis A, Raschid L, Sellis T. Experiments on the concurrent rule execution in database systems. In: Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 1992. TAI'92, Proceedings., Fourth International Conference on.; 1992. 4. p. 405-412p.
Vishkin U, Dascal S, Berkovich E, Nuzman J. Explicit Multi-Threading (XMT) bridging models for instruction parallelism (extended abstract). In: Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures.; 1998. 1. p. 140-151p.
Morselli R, Bhattacharjee B, Katz J, Marsh M. Exploiting approximate transitivity of trust. In: Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, 2007. BROADNETS 2007. Fourth International Conference on.; 2007. 5. p. 515-524p.
Raschid L, Sellis T, Lin CC. Exploiting concurrency in a DBMS implementation for production systems. In: Proceedings of the first international symposium on Databases in parallel and distributed systems.; 2000. 3. p. 34-45p.
Deshpande A, Guestrin C, Hong W, Madden S. Exploiting Correlated Attributes in Acquisitional Query Processing. In: 21st International Conference on Data Engineering, 2005. ICDE 2005. Proceedings. IEEE; 2005. 1. p. 143-154p.
Andrade H, Kurc T, Sussman A, Saltz J. Exploiting Functional Decomposition for Efficient Parallel Processing of Multiple Data Analysis Queries. In: Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, International. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society; 2003. 8. p. 81a.
Lacroix Z, Moths T, Parekh K, Raschid L, Vidal M-. Exploiting multiple paths to express scientific queries. In: 16th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2004. Proceedings. IEEE; 2004. 3. p. 357-360p.
Mishra A, Rozner E, Banerjee S, Arbaugh WA. Exploiting partially overlapping channels in wireless networks: Turning a peril into an advantage. In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet Measurement.; 2005. 2. p. 29.
Getoor L, Mihalkova L. Exploiting statistical and relational information on the web and in social media. In: Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2011. 9. p. 9-10p. (WSDM '11).
Herve J-, Aloimonos Y. Exploratory active vision: theory. In: Proceedings of 1992 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1992. IEEE; 1992. 1. p. 10-15p.
Navlakha S, Kingsford C. Exploring Biological Network Dynamics with Ensembles of Graph Partitions. In: Proceedings of the PSB Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Vol 15.; 2010. 1. p. 166-177p.
Chuang W-, Su H, M. Wu. Exploring compression effects for improved source camera identification using strongly compressed video. In: Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on.; 2011. 1. p. 1953-1956p.
Lee B, Kang H, Plaisant C, Bederson BB. Exploring content-actor paired network data using iterative query refinement with NetLens. In: Digital Libraries, 2006. JCDL '06. Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on.; 2006. 3. p. 372.
Plaisant C, Rose J, Yu B, Auvil L, Kirschenbaum MG, Smith M, et al. Exploring erotics in Emily Dickinson's correspondence with text mining and visual interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2006. 1. p. 141-150p. (JCDL '06).
Plaisant C, Carr DA, Hasegawa H. Exploring remote images: a telepathology workstation. In: Proceedings of the INTERACT '93 and CHI '93 conference on Human factors in computing systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 1993. 5. p. 518-p. p. 518-p. (CHI '93).
Plaisant C. Exploring temporal patterns with information visualization: keynote. In: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2010. Toronto, Ont., Canada, Canada: Canadian Information Processing Society; 2010. 1. p. 1-2p. (GI '10).
Jimmy Lin, Wu P, Demner-Fushman D, Abels E. Exploring the limits of single-iteration clarification dialogs. In: Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2006. 4. p. 469-476p. (SIGIR '06).
Hua S, Qu G, Bhattacharyya SS. Exploring the probabilistic design space of multimedia systems. In: 14th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, 2003. Proceedings. IEEE; 2003. 2. p. 233-240p.
Tsui C-, Wang P, Fleischmann KR, Oard D, Sayeed AB. Exploring the Relationships among ICTs: A Scalable Computational Approach Using KL Divergence and Hierarchical Clustering. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society; 2010. 1. p. 1-10p.
Agarwal A, Daumé H. Exponential family hybrid semi-supervised learning. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence (IJCAI-09).; 2009. 9. p. 974-979p.
Keleher PJ, Hollingsworth J, Perkovic D. Exposing Application Alternatives. In: Distributed Computing Systems, International Conference on. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society; 1999. 0. p. 0384.
Sayeed AB, Nguyen HC, Meyer TJ, Weinberg A. Expresses-an-opinion-about: using corpus statistics in an information extraction approach to opinion mining. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2010. 1. p. 1095-1103p. (COLING '10).
Taylor M, Yin C-, M. Wu, Qu G. Extended abstract: A hardware-assisted data hiding based approach in building high performance secure execution systems. In: Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, 2008. HOST 2008. IEEE International Workshop on.; 2008. 9. p. 93-96p.
Chintalapani G, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B. Extending the utility of treemaps with flexible hierarchy. In: Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation, 2004. IV 2004. Proceedings. IEEE; 2004. 3. p. 335-344p.
Marchionini G, Hert C, Liddy L, Shneiderman B. Extending understanding of federal statistics in tables. In: Proceedings of the 2000 annual national conference on Digital government research. Digital Government Society of North America; 2000. 1. p. 1-7p. (dg.o '00).
Kobla V, Doermann D. Extracting Features for Indexing MPEG-Compressed Video. In: Proceedings of the IEEEFirst Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing.; 1997. 3. p. 337-342p.
Gupta A, Prasad VS, Davis LS. Extracting regions of symmetry. In: Image Processing, 2005. ICIP 2005. IEEE International Conference on. Vol 3.; 2005. I. III - p. 133-6p. - III - p. 133-6p.
Ibrahim A, Katz B, Jimmy Lin. Extracting structural paraphrases from aligned monolingual corpora. In: Proceedings of the second international workshop on Paraphrasing - Volume 16. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2003. 5. p. 57-64p. (PARAPHRASE '03).
De Floriani L, Mesmoudi MM, Danovaro E. Extraction of Critical Nets Based on a Discrete Gradient Vector Field. In: Proceedings of Eurographics.; 2002.
Neumann J, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y. Eye design in the plenoptic space of light rays. In: Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2003. Proceedings. IEEE; 2003. 1. p. 1160-1167p. vol.p. 2-1160p. -1167 vol.2.
Dumitras T, Lee M., Quinones P., Smailagic A., Siewiorek D, Narasimhan P. Eye of the Beholder: Phone-Based Text-Recognition for the Visually-Impaired. In: 2006 10th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers.; 2006. 1. p. 145-146p.
Ramadan S, Abd-Almageed W, Smith CE. Eye tracking using active deformable models. In: Proc. of the IIIrd Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing.; 2002.
Neumann J, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y. Eyes form eyes: New cameras for structure from motion. In: Proceedings Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision (OMNIVIS).; 2002.
Neumann J, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y. Eyes from eyes: new cameras for structure from motion. In: Third Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE; 2002. 1. p. 19-26p.
Swamy N, Corcoran BJ, Hicks MW. Fable: A Language for Enforcing User-defined Security Policies. In: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2008. SP 2008. IEEE; 2008. 3. p. 369-383p.
Zhou S, Krueger V, Chellappa R. Face recognition from video: a CONDENSATION approach. In: Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. Fifth IEEE International Conference on.; 2002. 2. p. 221-226p.
