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Vishkin U.  1995.  On a Technique for Parsing a String (Invited Lecture). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 937:386-386.
Hollingsworth J, Lumpp JE, Miller BP.  1995.  Techniques for performance measurement of parallel programs. Parallel computers: theory and practice. :225-240.
Stewart G.W.  1995.  Theory of the Combination of Observations Least Subject to Errors. SIAM, Philadelphia.[Translation of Gauss (1821, 1823, 1826).].
Nirkhe M, Kraus S, Perlis D.  1995.  Thinking takes time: a modal active-logic for reasoning in time. Proc. of BISFAI-95.
Voss C, Dorr BJ.  1995.  Toward a lexicalized grammar for interlinguas. Machine Translation. 10(1):143-184.
Hannenhalli S, Pevzner P.  1995.  Towards a computational theory of genome rearrangements. Computer Science TodayComputer Science Today. 1000:184-202.
Black MJ, Yacoob Y.  1995.  Tracking and recognizing rigid and non-rigid facial motions using local parametric models of image motion. Computer Vision, 1995. Proceedings., Fifth International Conference on. :374-381.
Hannenhalli S, Pevzner P.  1995.  Transforming cabbage into turnip: polynomial algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals. Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :178-189.
Hannenhalli S.  1995.  Transforming men into mice (a computational theory of genome rearrangements).
Hannenhalli S, Pevzner PA.  1995.  Transforming men into mice (polynomial algorithm for genomic distance problem). Foundations of Computer Science, Annual IEEE Symposium on. :581-581.
Kelly W, Pugh W.  1995.  A unifying framework for iteration reordering transformations. Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 1995. ICAPP 95. IEEE First ICA/sup 3/PP., IEEE First International Conference on. 1:153-162.
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Resnik P.  1995.  Using information content to evaluate semantic similarity in a taxonomy. Arxiv preprint cmp-lg/9511007.
Snelick R, JaJa JF, Kacker R, Lyon G.  1995.  Using synthetic perturbations and statistical screening to assay shared-memory programs. Information processing letters. 54(3):147-153.
Asahi T, Turo D, Shneiderman B.  1995.  Using Treemaps to Visualize the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Information Systems ResearchInformation Systems Research. 6(4):357-375.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1995.  Vision and action. Image and Vision Computing. 13(10):725-744.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1995.  Vision and action* 1. Image and vision computing. 13(10):725-744.
Marcus A, Murch GM, Baecker R, Small I, Mander R, Ahlberg C, Shneiderman B.  1995.  Vision, Graphic Design, and Visual Display. Readings in human-computer interaction: toward the year 2000. :411-411.
Asahi T, Turo D, Shneiderman B.  1995.  Visual decision-making: using treemaps for the analytic hierarchy process. Conference companion on Human factors in computing systems. :405-406.
He T, Hong L, Kaufman A, Varshney A, Wang S.  1995.  Voxel based object simplification. Proceedings of the 6th conference on Visualization '95. :296–-296–.
Heyman DP, O'Leary DP.  1995.  What is Fundamental for Markov Chains: First Passage Times, Fundamental Matrices, and Group Generalized Inverses. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Markov ChainsProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Markov Chains. :151-161.
O'Leary DP.  1995.  Why Broyden's Nonsymmetric Method Terminates on Linear Equations. SIAM Journal on Optimization. 5:231-235.
Shneiderman B, Alavi M, Norman K, Borkowski E Y.  1995.  Windows of opportunity in electronic classrooms. Communications of the ACM. 38(11):19-24.
Woods W, Uckun S, Kohane I, Bates J, Hulthage I, Gasser L, Hanks S, Gini M, Ram A, desJardins M et al..  1994.  AAAI 1994 Spring Symposium Series Reports. AI Magazine. 15(3):22-22.
Weinrich M, Sutton GG, Reggia JA, D'Autrechy CL.  1994.  Adaptation of noncompetitive and competitive neural networks to focal lesions. Journal of Artificial Neural Networks. 1:51-60.
