Pointerless implementation of hierarchical simplicial meshes and efficient neighbor finding in arbitrary dimensions

TitlePointerless implementation of hierarchical simplicial meshes and efficient neighbor finding in arbitrary dimensions
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsAtalay FB, Mount D, Mitchell J
JournalInternational Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
Pagination595 - 631
Date Published2007///

We describe a pointerless representation of hierarchical regular simplicial meshes, basedon a bisection approach proposed by Maubach. We introduce a new labeling scheme,
called an LPT code, which uniquely encodes the geometry of each simplex of the hi-
erarchy, and we present rules to compute the neighbors of a given simplex efficiently
through the use of these codes. In addition, we show how to traverse the associated
tree and how to answer point location and interpolation queries. Our system works in
arbitrary dimensions.