Motivating annotation for personal digital photo libraries: Lowering barriers while raising incentives

TitleMotivating annotation for personal digital photo libraries: Lowering barriers while raising incentives
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsKustanowitz J, Shneiderman B
JournalUniversity of Marlyand
Date Published2005///

The value of personal digital photo libraries grows immensely when users invest effort to annotate their photos. Frameworksfor understanding annotation requirements could guide improved strategies that would motivate more users to invest the
necessary effort. We propose one framework for annotation techniques along with the strengths and weaknesses of each
one, and a second framework for target user groups and their motivations. Several applications are described that provide
useful and information-rich representations, but which require good annotations, in the hope of providing incentives for
high quality annotation. We describe how annotations make possible four novel presentations of personal photo collections:
(1) Birthday Collage to show growth of a child over several years, (2) FamiliarFace to show family trees of photos, (3)
Kaleidoscope to show photos of related people in an appealing tableau, and (4) TripPics to show photos from a sequential
story such as a vacation trip.