A management tool for evaluation of software design

TitleA management tool for evaluation of software design
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsCardenas-Garcia S, Zelkowitz MV
JournalSoftware Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
Pagination961 - 971
Date Published1991/09//
ISBN Number0098-5589
Keywordsanalysis;software, decision, designs;decision, investigative, model;management, probabilities;evaluation, prototyping;software, Selector;decision, strategy;functional, Support, system;economic, system;risk, systems;program, theory;equilibrium, tool;program, tools;, verification;prototyping, verification;software

A model for evaluating software designs based on extending the functional model of program verification with concepts from economic decision theory has been proposed. The authors describe the method, and discuss a prototype implementation of a tool, called Selector, which implements this technique. It is suggested that a system like Selector can be used in two ways: as a decision support system for management to be used in the process of making choices among various alternatives; and as a prototyping investigative system for proposing and answering a series of `what if' scenarios. The proposed model depends on a risk analysis, of each potential solution and aspects of decision theory to modify the evaluation strategy. The model depends on equilibrium probabilities for generating answers
