An international SIGCHI research agenda

TitleAn international SIGCHI research agenda
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsScholtz JC, Muller M, Novick D, Olsen, Jr. DR, Shneiderman B, Wharton C
Conference NameCHI '99 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems
Date Published1999///
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number1-58113-158-5
Keywordsagenda, human-computer, interaction, research

The goal of this workshop is to articulate an HCI research agenda statement, along with plans for continued refinement with the greater CHI community and plans for disseminating the information beyond the CHI community. There are been several similar prior efforts, including:• 1998 Universal Access program [2]• European community report, "Building the European Information Society for Us All" [1];• CHI 97 workshop [5] and paper [6], "HCI Research and Practice Agenda based on Human Needs …";• CHI 96 Workshop, "CHI Ten-Year View…" [3];• 1995 US National Science Foundation report, "New Directions in Human-Computer Interaction …" [9];• 1995 report from the US National Research Council [7];• 1991 report, "…HCI… Serving Human Needs" [4]
