Show Me! Guidelines for producing recorded demonstrations

TitleShow Me! Guidelines for producing recorded demonstrations
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsPlaisant C, Shneiderman B
Conference Name2005 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
Date Published2005/09/20/24
ISBN Number0-7695-2443-5
Keywordsanimation, auditory cues, Computer aided instruction, Computer animation, Computer Graphics, Computer interfaces, computer literacy, content guidelines, documentation, Government, Graphical user interfaces, Guidelines, Laboratories, narration, recorded demonstrations, screen capture animation, technical guidelines, usability, User interfaces, visual appeal, visual cues

Although recorded demonstrations (screen capture animations with narration) have become a popular form of instruction for user interfaces, little work has been done to describe guidelines for their design. Based on our experience in several projects, we offer a starting set of guidelines for the design of visually appealing and cognitively effective recorded demonstrations. Technical guidelines encourage users to keep file sizes small, strive for universal usability, and ensure user control etc. and provide tips to achieve those goals. Content guidelines include: create short demonstrations that focus on tasks, highlight each step with auditory and visual cues, synchronize narration and animation carefully, and create demonstrations with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
