Simulation based learning environments and the use of learning histories

TitleSimulation based learning environments and the use of learning histories
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsRose A, Salter R, Keswani S, Kositsyna N, Plaisant C, Rubloff G, Shneiderman B
Conference NameCHI '00 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems
Date Published2000///
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number1-58113-248-4
Keywordseducation, engineering, History, learning, simulation

We have developed an application framework for constructing simulation-based learning environments using dynamic simulations and visualizations to represent realistic time-dependent behavior. The development environment is described and many examples are given. In particular we will focus on the learning historian which provides users and learners with a manipulatable recording of their actions which facilitates the exchange of annotated history records among peers and mentors.
