A new approach to image fusion based on cokriging

TitleA new approach to image fusion based on cokriging
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsMemarsadeghi N, Le Moigne J, Mount D, Morisette J
Conference NameInformation Fusion, 2005 8th International Conference on
Date Published2005/07//
KeywordsALI;, analysis;, based, cokriging;, component, data;, forecasting, fusion, fusion;, geophysical, geostatistical, Hyperion, image, Interpolation, interpolation;, invasive, ISFS, method;, metrics;, PCA;, principal, processing;, project;, QUALITY, quantitative, remote, remotely, sensed, sensing;, sensor, sensors;, signal, species, system;, techniques;, transforms;, wavelet, wavelet-based

We consider the image fusion problem involving remotely sensed data. We introduce cokriging as a method to perform fusion. We investigate the advantages of fusing Hyperion with ALI. This evaluation is performed by comparing the classification of the fused data with that of input images and by calculating well-chosen quantitative fusion quality metrics. We consider the invasive species forecasting system (ISFS) project as our fusion application. The fusion of ALI with Hyperion data is studied using PCA and wavelet-based fusion. We then propose utilizing a geostatistical based interpolation method called cokriging as a new approach for image fusion.
